Most people have preferences regarding how tight footwear is, but there is a right and wrong. But, of course, personal preference doesn’t always mean it is correct, especially when it comes to hiking boots.
There is such a thing as too tight or too loose. When talking about hiking boots, this could mean the difference between an enjoyable hiking experience and one that is filled with foot pain and leaves you with blisters.
This article will discuss how tight should hiking boots be at every part of the boot. This information will help you make the best decision when shopping for new hiking boots. Let’s get started.
How Hiking Boots Should Fit at Each Part of Your Feet
Let’s start by discussing how hiking boots should fit around the toes. This is where you will need the most space. There should be at least a centimeter of space between the end of the boot and your toes.
Remember, when you are hiking downhill, your feet will slide forward, and when this happens, you will be thankful for this extra toe-room. If you don’t have the extra space, your toes will cram against the front of the boot, causing pain and, in some cases, even the loss of toenails. You should be able to easily wiggle your toes up and down and to the sides.
Now, let’s look at how the rest of the boot should fit.
Under the Arch
There should be a gap where the bottom of your arch and where the boot meets, or at least very minimal contact. Also, after you break in new hiking boots, there will likely be a slight depression that forms around your heel and the ball of your foot. This will give the arch support even more than you noticed when you first tried on the boots.
Middle of the Foot
There should be a little snugness on either side of the middle of your foot. The boot shouldn’t be squeezing the foot, so it is compressed, but at the same time, it shouldn’t be so loose that your foot can move around too much. When this happens, you won’t have the much-needed ankle stability.
There are a few ways you can manage the tightness around the sides of your feet:
- The shape of the boot
- How you tie the laces
- How tight the laces are pulled
The Heel
It is essential that the back of your heel contacts the back of the boot, but not so much as to make them uncomfortable. When you tie the boots with just the right tightness, there should be little movement around the heel.
It is also a good idea to be careful when choosing socks to wear while hiking. You can manage the friction with the slipperiness of the socks. Do not manage friction based on the space between your heel and the boot, because it will mean they’re not tight enough.
The Ankle
Make sure the sides of the boots contact your ankle and lower leg, depending on the height of the boot. There should be a bit of snugness, but not too snug. If the boots go over the ankle, the boot should take the pressure off your foot if it twists. This will help avoid sprains and strains on the muscles and ligaments.
You will need good ankle support if you are hiking with a pack. A boot that is too loose will not provide as much support as required, which can lead to injury.
The Top of the Foot
It can be challenging to fit a boot to the top of your foot because the breaking-in process is mainly in the heel, toes, and ball of the foot. These will create depressions, giving more space between the top of your foot and the boot.
It is okay to buy boots that are a bit tighter on the top than you think they should be. Once they are broken in, this will change. If you have a bony area on the top of your foot, choose boots with a tongue made of soft material.
Good-fitting hiking boots are imperative if you want to have foot comfort while hiking. In addition to ensuring that your boots fit correctly, take the time to break them in, so they are as comfortable as possible.